The Caring Corral is a 501(c)(3) non-profit therapeutic farm providing unique equestrian services that will promote, strengthen, and develop long-term goals. We focus on the therapeutic benefits of equine assisted activities.
Please view our generous business supporters

Thank you to our sponsor Charles Schwab!
Please view our generous business supporters

The Caring Corral is a certified Merit Badge Counselor

Wellness Therapy
- The role of natural environments in alleviating stress responses is well-documented. Military Veterans also benefit from equine therapy as a means to help them cope with PTSD. Our farm is home to horses with the appropriate temperament to do this kind of work.
- There is a great opportunity for horticultural therapy (HT) via our organic garden. Horticultural therapy can play a unique role in the recovery of veterans from physical, emotional, and spiritual injuries. Vocational HT settings allow participants to experience independent work, problem solving and learning to follow directions.
- The therapeutic environment at Caring Corral is designed to provide a place for these treatments and services.